Please read and accept the Terms and Conditions below:
1. The Digital Transformation Story Competition celebrates the successes of small disability service providers in transforming their organisations through the adoption of technology.
Competition Entries must include the online submission of:
- A video story of the disability service provider’s digital transformation success (maximum 5 minute duration).
- An entry form inclusive of a summary of the business improvement, technology adopted and personal details of the entrant.
2. NDS is not responsible for ensuring that people featured in entries have consented for their video to be entered and posted on NDS or NDP communication platforms.
3. The competition entrant warrants that they have the relevant authority to enter the Digital Transformation Story Competition and that they hold all necessary permissions to do so.
4. Your personal information has been collected using Qualtrics, a University research tool with high levels of security and data protection. Your personal information will only be used for the purposes of the Digital Transformation Story Competition and not for any other purpose. Your recording will be held on a secure network for 7 years and then destroyed.
5. An internal NDS Committee will review entries according to the following criteria:
- Content is relevant to the disability sector;
- Content illustrates the adoption of technology;
- Video content and quality is suitable for sharing.
6. Chosen videos will be posted to NDS and NDP platforms including websites and social media. Only the names of competition entrants and their organisations will be published, not the names of individuals included in each entry.
7. The Digital Transformation Story Competition is part of the Small Business Digital Champions Project delivered by National Disability Services (NDS)
ABN 52 008 445 485
8. Entries close at 17.00 AEST 18 March 2021
9. The competition prize is a JB HiFi voucher to the value of $500
10. A committee comprising of NDP Committee members and NDS staff will meet and judge all qualifying entries. The story deemed the most inspiring adoption of IT in the disability sector will be awarded the competition winner.
11. The competition winner will be notified by phone and email.
12. The prize will be delivered electronically to the winner within four weeks.
13. The winner will be announced on the NDP and NDS websites and social media channels.