
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the 2019 NDS WA Conference and thank you for joining us at this vital time for disability services in Western Australia.

The theme for this conference ‘What Matters Most – Solutions for Today and Tomorrow’highlights the intention to consider and share what matters most for the disability sector and people with disability into the future, as the State continues its transition to the NDIS. 

As the premier conference for the Western Australian disability sector, it aims to inform,inspire and involve you by bringing together a diverse range of speakers and thought leaders to share their knowledge and experience, discuss strategies and showcase best practice and innovation. Over the next two days you will explore the realities, risks and opportunities of leading culture through change and creating great outcomes for Western Australians with disability.

The Western Australian disability sector has experienced rapid change over the past five years. I anticipate that rate will continue unabated for at least the next 12 months as transitions and transfers to the NDIS reach completion, transition to the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Commission commences and the State Disability Plan is finalised as we move towards a truly ‘Inclusive WA’.

However the NDIS is complex and much work remains to achieve a scheme that encapsulates the imperative of rights, choices and control for people with disability, their families and carers while strengthening disability service providers. NDS WA continues to communicate and engage with all governments to represent your views, harness opportunities for improvement and commit to solutions that drive better outcomes for Western Australians with disability.

I remain convinced that challenges and opportunities can best be overcome through collaboration and cooperation between the sector, people with disability, and the Government to resolve and improve design issues within the NDIS and ensure timely completion of the State’s transition into the scheme.

Above all, it is forums like these in which we can share knowledge, trade ideas, absorb the expertise and strive for continuous improvement strategies and solutions that allow us to continue our focus on delivering high-quality supports for people with disability and their families and carers NDS WA is committed to what matters most for people with disability, our members and the disability sector.

Enjoy the conference!

Julie Waylen

State Manager WA, National Disability Services

Contact: 02 9256 3192

Email: confs@nds.org.au

Website: www.nds.org.au